

Healthy soil is a fundamental necessity for all plants, animals, and people. Find out how soil is alive and the actions you can take to nurture healthy soil



Sustainable restaurants think about the social and environmental impact of their operations. Explore an interactive foodscape to find establishments we like to call Community Connectors, Harvest Heroes, Earth Advocates, and Sourcing Sticklers. Click to discover about what they do; visit to discover how they taste.


Buying locally grown or produced food is good for our communities, good for the environment – and good for you! Learn about how your choices DO make a difference.

Find a farmers market, CSA, farm, co-op and more

Learn more about the benefits of eating local


REDUCE WASTE: Make Food, Not Waste

Reducing our food waste has a great impact on our environment, food system, communities, and pocketbooks! Discover tips to plan, prepare, preserve and purge your way to creating less food waste.


Food justice is about making sure all people have access to fresh, healthy, affordable, ethically-produced, and culturally appropriate food. Food Justice can be as small as the nutrients in a carrot or as large as global climate change. You can make an impact beyond at the grocery store or in the polling booth by supporting local and fairly traded products, living wages for food workers, access to garden space, and access to healthy food for everyone.

Want to learn more? Check out this video from PBS and the organizations below to find out more.

How to Promote Food Justice

  • Start a community garden!
  • Support small, local farms!
  • Support urban farms!
  • Buy products and produce from members of underrepresented communities!
  • Volunteer at or donate to organizations that provide free, culturally appropriate food to folks who need it!

More Info on the 5 People and Organizations You Saw:

Michael & Urban Roots

  • Learn more about Cook Fresh and the other exceptional Urban Roots programs

Jon & The Twin Cities Mobile Market

Estella & Dream of Wild Health

Michael & Project Sweetie Pie

Antonia & Sharing Our Roots (formerly Main Street Project)

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